The building sector is one of the largest energy consuming sectors. In fact, more than 90% of our time is spent in doors (At home of in the office), thus, the energy used in buildings accounts for a consequential percentage of a country’s global energy consumption. Estimated percentages of energy consumption by the building sector in different regions are given bellow. (Source:
Energy consumption by building sector
European Union countries
About 40%
As stated above, in 2020, European buildings were responsible for approximately 40% of the energy consumption and 36% of CO2 emissions. Two-thirds (65%) of Europe’s building stock was built before 1980; and about 97% of the EU’s buildings must be upgraded to achieve the 2050 decarbonization goal. (Source:
The following figure gives global share of buildings and construction energy consumption and emissions generated in 2019.
How to achieve energy efficiency in buildings
Energy efficiency in buildings can be achieved through countless measures that reduce energy consumption while maintaining or improving the level of comfort in the building. These measures include the following: (Source:, cielowigl
The energy performance of buildings directive (EPBD)
The EPBD was adopted in 2002, recast in 2010, and amended in 2018, it constitutes the primary legislation guiding building construction and renovation in the EU to improve building performance and efficiency in order to achieve the 2030 and 2050 energy targets. The latest amendments to the directive set a clear direction for the complete decarbonization of EU building stock by 2050, with an increased emphasis on building renovation and modernization.
According to the directive, energy performance must be expressed in primary energy use in kWh/(m²·y) for the purpose of both energy performance certification and compliance with minimum energy performance requirements. A schematic overview of the current calculation method is shown in the following figure. (Source:
According the BPIE, Energy consumption of the building sector will decrease 36% by 2030 through the Energy efficiency directive.